California suspected serial rapist arrested, police search for more victims

Liberty football player Tajh Boyd dead at 19 Wildfire in U.S. West spreads over 94,000 acres Sunday Morning Futures w/ Maria Bartiromo - Sunday, August 6 Texas road rage suspect spray-paints victim's face before having can turned on him: authorities Russia-China warships near Alaska is largest armada to sail so close to US: Lucas Tomlinson Georgia healthcare worker accused of stealing $17,000 from elderly patient There will be no peace agreement without Russia at the table: Gen. Jack Keane Arizona suspect arrested for allegedly unleashing pit bull on Phoenix officers John Gosling, The Kinks keyboardist, dead at 75 Missouri's Eli Drinkwitz wonders if anyone has thought about student-athletes amid conference realignments NBA team's DeSantis donation is 'difficult to stomach:' CNN sports anchor Florida woman survives shark attack, receives 14 stitches California suspected serial rapist arrested, police search for more victims Arkansas police officer arrested in child sex trafficking sting in Texas The kidneys can only handle about one liter of water an hour: Dr. Marc Siegel New Orleans security guard charged with attempted murder after shooting in front of library Ne-Yo scolds parents who let kids make 'life-changing' gender decisions as minors: 'Forgotten' their roles 'Fake life': Recent social media trend could prompt mental health issues in kids CNN political commentator says Kamala Harris' low approval rating is because she's a 'Black woman,' and a 'history maker'